
Global Economic Outlook - May 2018

Ekonomický výskum

  • Alžírsko,
  • Angola,
  • Všeobecný hospodársky

08 máj 2018


The global economic upswing continues to strengthen but US policy uncertainty and a potential trade war could quickly darken the bright skies.

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    Bulgaria: ongoing impacts of pandemic cloud outlook

    Barometer platobnej morálky

    • Bulgaria
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    01 dec 2021

    Despite a fairly robust GDP growth outlook for next year, confidence of the businesses polled across Bulgaria is muted.

    Czech Republic: upbeat businesses eye DSO containment

    Barometer platobnej morálky

    • Česká republika
    • Chemikálie / Farmácia,
    • Tovary dlhodobej spotreby,

    01 dec 2021

    Most of the Czech businesses polled opted to manage customer credit risk internally. However, and despite their efforts, many were not successful at containing year-on-year increases in DSO.

    Hungary: improving payment practice reflect upbeat mood

    Barometer platobnej morálky

    • Maďarsko
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Tovary dlhodobej spotreby,

    01 dec 2021

    As B2B payments behaviour improves in Hungary, there is still a hint of caution voiced by the businesses we interviewed in the country.

    Poland: businesses emerge from pandemic recession

    Barometer platobnej morálky

    • Poľsko
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Chemikálie / Farmácia,

    01 dec 2021

    Amid predictions of growth, businesses surveyed in Poland reported having struggled with rising credit management and debt collection costs in recent times.

    Romania: cash dominates as businesses shun trade credit

    Barometer platobnej morálky

    • Rumunsko
    • Chemikálie / Farmácia,
    • Stavebníctvo

    01 dec 2021

    Businesses polled in Romania favoured the surety of cash sales this year. However, this put them at a disadvantage in a global market place where credit terms are a competitive tool.

    Slovakia: credit insurance widespread

    Barometer platobnej morálky

    • Slovensko
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Tovary dlhodobej spotreby,

    01 dec 2021

    Most of the businesses polled in Slovakia reported a decline in late payments. This highly reflects the widespread adoption of credit insurance amongst local businesses polled.

    Turkey: cash sales and credit insurance protect books

    Barometer platobnej morálky

    • Turecko
    • Chemikálie / Farmácia,
    • Tovary dlhodobej spotreby,

    01 dec 2021

    Promising predictions for Turkey in 2022. This can also be seen in the results of this year's survey on local corporate payment practices.

    Automotive Industry Trends United States - 2021

    Trhový prieskum

    • USA
    • Automotive / Doprava

    29 nov 2021

    Supply chain pressures, but higher vehicle sales prices sustain margins

    Automotive Industry Trends China - 2021

    Trhový prieskum

    • Čína
    • Automotive / Doprava

    29 nov 2021

    Long payment periods put pressure on smaller suppliers

    Automotive Industry Trends Germany - 2021

    Trhový prieskum

    • Nemecko
    • Automotive / Doprava

    29 nov 2021

    Sector assessment downgrade as automotive suppliers face major issues

    Automotive Industry Trends United Kingdom - 2021

    Trhový prieskum

    • Spojené Kráľovstvo
    • Automotive / Doprava

    29 nov 2021

    Credit risk situation of automotive suppliers is about to deteriorate

    Automotive Industry Trends Spain - 2021

    Trhový prieskum

    • Španielsko
    • Automotive / Doprava

    29 nov 2021

    Ongoing issues, but a strong automotive rebound expected in 2022

    Automotive Industry Trends France - 2021

    Trhový prieskum

    • Francúzsko
    • Automotive / Doprava

    29 nov 2021

    Cash flow and margins of many automotive suppliers are under pressure

    Automotive Industry Trends Italy - 2021

    Trhový prieskum

    • Taliansko
    • Automotive / Doprava

    29 nov 2021

    The shift to e-mobility is a major challenge for many suppliers

    Automotive Industry Trends Japan - 2021

    Trhový prieskum

    • Japonsko
    • Automotive / Doprava

    29 nov 2021

    Stable credit risk situation for the time being, but downside risks remain

    Automotive Industry Trends Sweden - 2021

    Trhový prieskum

    • Švédsko
    • Automotive / Doprava

    29 nov 2021

    Ongoing production delays could impact margins of automotive suppliers

    Automotive Industry Trends Brazil - 2021

    Trhový prieskum

    • Brazília
    • Automotive / Doprava

    29 nov 2021

    Economic uncertainty hinders external financing for automotive businesses

    Automotive Industry Trends Czech Republic - 2021

    Trhový prieskum

    • Česká republika
    • Automotive / Doprava

    29 nov 2021

    A sharp increase in automotive insolvencies is expected

    Automotive Industry Trends South Korea - 2021

    Trhový prieskum

    • Južná Kórea
    • Automotive / Doprava

    29 nov 2021

    Increased credit risk for highly leveraged automotive suppliers

    Automotive Industry Trends Mexico - 2021

    Trhový prieskum

    • Mexiko
    • Automotive / Doprava

    29 nov 2021

    The recovery of automotive businesses margins has slowed down

    Spain: use of credit insurance protects businesses

    Barometer platobnej morálky

    • Španielsko
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Stavebníctvo,

    24 nov 2021

    Spain expects elevated insolvency levels in 2022. Businesses polled in the country reveal an increased appetite for the use of credit insurance over the coming months.

    Italy: insolvencies on the rise, but confidence remains

    Barometer platobnej morálky

    • Taliansko
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Gastro,

    24 nov 2021

    Despite further deterioration of the insolvency environment in Italy over the coming months, economy has started to grow again and with that business confidence in the future.

    Western Europe: bracing for heightened insolvency risk

    Barometer platobnej morálky

    • Rakúsko,
    • Belgicko,
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    24 nov 2021

    Global insolvencies are expected to climb 33% in 2022. All major regions should be affected. Businesses should brace for higher insolvency risks.

    United Kingdom: growth outlook despite increasing risks

    Barometer platobnej morálky

    • Spojené Kráľovstvo
    • Stavebníctvo,
    • Hutníctvo,

    24 nov 2021

    As the UK economy rebounds from the double shock of Brexit and the pandemic, businesses seeking growth should take steps to protect their accounts receivable from the impacts of trade credit risks.

    Switzerland: write-offs doubled in some sectors

    Barometer platobnej morálky

    • Švajčiarsko
    • Automotive / Doprava,
    • Chemikálie / Farmácia,

    24 nov 2021

    Swiss businesses polled for the Payment Practices Barometer reported a challenging 2021, with sharp deteriorations in customer payment behaviour and big increases in write-offs.

    Sweden: widespread use of trade credit

    Barometer platobnej morálky

    • Švédsko
    • Stavebníctvo,
    • Tovary dlhodobej spotreby,

    24 nov 2021

    Businesses polled in Sweden expect to see an increase in the frequency of credit sales, largely as a way of providing short-term finance for their B2B customers.

    The Netherlands: downside risks despite optimism

    Barometer platobnej morálky

    • Holandsko
    • Stavebníctvo,
    • Stroje / strojárstvo

    24 nov 2021

    The pandemic-induced economic challenges fed into the payment delays and write-offs that have impacted the key markets we polled in the Netherlands this year.

    Ireland: strong business confidence, but risks remain

    Barometer platobnej morálky

    • Írsko
    • Stavebníctvo,
    • Hutníctvo,

    24 nov 2021

    Forecasts anticipate Ireland’s growth in 2022. However, a large proportion of the businesses polled in the country expressed a note of caution. Unknowns over the pandemic are still many.

    Greece: payment practices improve amid brighter outlook

    Barometer platobnej morálky

    • Grécko
    • Chemikálie / Farmácia,
    • Tovary dlhodobej spotreby,

    24 nov 2021

    Greece should see GDP return to pre-pandemic levels by the end of 2022. However, this brighter outlook appears to be clouded by businesses' sense of caution over long-term after-effects of the crisis.

    Germany: late payments cloud economic recovery

    Barometer platobnej morálky

    • Nemecko
    • Automotive / Doprava,
    • Chemikálie / Farmácia,

    24 nov 2021

    German GDP is forecast to rebound this year, enjoying a more robust acceleration by year-end 2022. However, late payments across industries cast a cloud over this outlook.

    France: credit insurance mitigates trade credit risk

    Barometer platobnej morálky

    • Francúzsko
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Stavebníctvo,

    24 nov 2021

    Late payments are a widespread issue among businesses we polled in France. Reportedly, higher use of credit insurance will help them mitigate the impact of trade credit risk on the business.

    Denmark: poor payment practices cause liquidity stress

    Barometer platobnej morálky

    • Dánsko
    • Automotive / Doprava,
    • Elektronika / ICT,

    24 nov 2021

    The results of this year's Payment Practices Barometer for Denmark point to industries wrestling with poor payments behaviour.

    Belgium: heightened insolvency risk clouds outlook

    Barometer platobnej morálky

    • Belgicko
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Stavebníctvo,

    24 nov 2021

    In response to deteriorating payments behaviour over the coming months, businesses polled across Belgium focus on taking steps to protect their business from the impacts of customer credit risk.

    Austria: businesses take hit of substantial write-offs

    Barometer platobnej morálky

    • Rakúsko
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    24 nov 2021

    This year’s Payment Practices Barometer survey reveals that Austria is working hard to overcome the economic impacts of the pandemic. A few indicators were particularly concerning for businesses.

    Global chemicals industry: opportunities and challenges

    Trhový prieskum

    • Belgicko,
    • Čína,
    • Chemikálie / Farmácia

    02 nov 2021

    Although the chemicals industry contracted slightly during the pandemic recession, new opportunities are opening up, driven by shifts in customer demand and new technologies.

    Construction Industry Trends Germany - 2021

    Trhový prieskum

    • Nemecko
    • Stavebníctvo

    12 okt 2021

    Residential construction remains the main driver of growth

    Construction Industry Trends Spain - 2021

    Trhový prieskum

    • Španielsko
    • Stavebníctvo

    12 okt 2021

    Construction insolvencies have started to increase again

    Construction Industry Trends France - 2021

    Trhový prieskum

    • Francúzsko
    • Stavebníctvo

    12 okt 2021

    Structural deficiencies cloud the outlook of French construction industry

    Construction Industry Trends United Kingdom - 2021

    Trhový prieskum

    • Spojené Kráľovstvo
    • Stavebníctvo

    12 okt 2021

    Robust rebound of demand, but rising insolvencies expected

    Construction Industry Trends Mexico - 2021

    Trhový prieskum

    • Mexiko
    • Stavebníctvo

    12 okt 2021

    Only a modest construction rebound in 2021 and in 2022

    Construction Industry Trends UAE - 2021

    Trhový prieskum

    • Spojené Arabské Emiráty
    • Stavebníctvo

    12 okt 2021

    Restricted access to bank loans remains a major issue

    Construction Industry Trends Italy - 2021

    Trhový prieskum

    • Taliansko
    • Stavebníctvo

    12 okt 2021

    Very long payment duration remains an issue for the industry

    Construction Industry Trends USA - 2021

    Trhový prieskum

    • USA
    • Stavebníctvo

    12 okt 2021

    Good prospects, but lack of skilled labour is a structural issue

    Construction Industry Trends Poland - 2021

    Trhový prieskum

    • Poľsko
    • Stavebníctvo

    12 okt 2021

    More insolvencies expected in the coming months

    Construction Industry Trends Belgium - 2021

    Trhový prieskum

    • Belgicko
    • Stavebníctvo

    12 okt 2021

    Robust demand ongoing, but margins of builders remain under pressure

    Construction Industry Trends China - 2021

    Trhový prieskum

    • Čína
    • Stavebníctvo

    12 okt 2021

    Forced deleveraging has led to a shake-up in the property market

    Construction Industry Trends The Netherlands - 2021

    Trhový prieskum

    • Holandsko
    • Stavebníctvo

    12 okt 2021

    Only a modest increase in insolvencies expected

    Construction Industry Trends Japan - 2021

    Trhový prieskum

    • Japonsko
    • Stavebníctvo

    12 okt 2021

    Increased credit risk for smaller builders serving retail, hotel and restaurant segments

    International Debt Collections Handbook

    Príručka vymáhania pohľadávok

    • Argentína,
    • Austrália,
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    11 okt 2021

    The International Debt Collections Handbook is a key tool for businesses when it comes to making decisions concerning collections in foreign countries.

    Debt Collections Handbook Argentina 2021

    Príručka vymáhania pohľadávok

    • Argentína
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    11 okt 2021

    Having drawn from the expertise of Atradius Collections' local offices, the International Debt Collections Handbook explains the different regulations and procedures for debt collections in Argentina.

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    Každá publikácia, ktorá je k dispozícii na našej webovej stránke, ako aj správa, článok, obchodné informácie, tipy a užitočný obsah, infografiky, videá (každý z nich je k dispozícii v časti "Publikácie") sa poskytuje len na informačné účely a nie je určená ako odporúčanie alebo obchodné poradenstvo pre akéhokoľvek čitateľa pre jeho konkrétne finančné transakcie, investície alebo stratégie. Čitatelia si musia urobiť vlastné nezávislé rozhodnutia, či už obchodné alebo iné, týkajúce sa poskytnutých informácií. Hoci sme vynaložili maximálne úsilie, aby sme zabezpečili, že informácie obsiahnuté v ktorejkoľvek z našich publikácií boli získané zo spoľahlivých zdrojov, spoločnosť Atradius nenesie zodpovednosť za akékoľvek chyby alebo opomenutia, ani za výsledky alebo závery, ku ktorým sa dospelo použitím takýchto informácií. Všetky informácie obsiahnuté v ktorejkoľvek z našich publikácií sa poskytujú "tak, ako sú", t. j. bez záruky ich celistvosti, úplnosti, presnosti, aktuálnosti alebo záruky dosiahnutia požadovaných výsledkov, ktoré čitateľ zamýšľa dosiahnuť ich použitím, a rovnako bez akejkoľvek inej záruky, či už výslovnej alebo implicitnej. Spoločnosť Atradius, jej pridružené spoločnosti alebo korporácie, ani ich partneri, zástupcovia alebo zamestnanci v žiadnom prípade nenesú zodpovednosť voči čitateľom alebo komukoľvek inému za akékoľvek rozhodnutie alebo konanie prijaté alebo uskutočnené na základe informácií získaných z týchto publikácií, ani za akékoľvek iné následné, osobitné alebo iné podobné škody alebo ujmy, a to ani v prípade, že boli na možnosť takýchto následných škôd vopred upozornení..