
Global Economic Outlook - May 2018

Ekonomický výskum

  • Alžírsko,
  • Angola,
  • Všeobecný hospodársky

08 máj 2018


The global economic upswing continues to strengthen but US policy uncertainty and a potential trade war could quickly darken the bright skies.

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    Market Monitor Consumer Durables Australia 2018

    Trhový prieskum

    • Austrália
    • Tovary dlhodobej spotreby

    04 apr 2018

    In 2018 sales are expected to be affected by slower household spending growth, triggered by a weaker housing market and subdued growth in household income.

    Market Monitor Consumer Durables India 2018

    Trhový prieskum

    • India
    • Tovary dlhodobej spotreby

    04 apr 2018

    The profit margins of Indian non-food retailers are expected to moderate in 2018 due to growing competition and the rising market share of e-commerce.

    Market Monitor Consumer Durables Poland 2018

    Trhový prieskum

    • Poľsko
    • Tovary dlhodobej spotreby

    04 apr 2018

    Despite good sales prospects, there remains substantial uncertainty related to VAT tax issues amongst retailers as tax controls have been intensified.

    Market Monitor Consumer Durables Indonesia 2018

    Trhový prieskum

    • Indonézia
    • Tovary dlhodobej spotreby

    04 apr 2018

    Indonesia's retail sector is one of the most promising in Asia, on the back of its large population and growing middle class with higher purchasing power.

    Market Monitor Consumer Durables Vietnam 2018

    Trhový prieskum

    • Vietnam
    • Tovary dlhodobej spotreby

    04 apr 2018

    The short-term outlook is benign with private consumption expected to increase by more than 6% in 2018, but higher inflation could have a dampening effect.

    Market Monitor Consumer Durables Germany 2018

    Trhový prieskum

    • Nemecko
    • Tovary dlhodobej spotreby

    04 apr 2018

    The best way for smaller retailers to survive is to join a large purchasing association and to compete with e-commerce by providing outstanding service.

    Market Monitor Consumer Durables United Kingdom 2018

    Trhový prieskum

    • Spojené Kráľovstvo
    • Tovary dlhodobej spotreby

    04 apr 2018

    As a result of more difficult trading conditions retailers profit margins have deteriorated in H2 of 2017, and further decline is expected in 2018.

    Market Monitor Consumer Durables France 2018

    Trhový prieskum

    • Francúzsko
    • Tovary dlhodobej spotreby

    04 apr 2018

    The business environment is highly competitive among the different distribution networks, reinforced by the increasing market share of online retailers.

    Market Monitor Consumer Durables USA April 2018

    Trhový prieskum

    • USA
    • Tovary dlhodobej spotreby

    04 apr 2018

    Many long-standing retail chains are highly indebted, often from leveraged buyouts led by private equity firms, while investors reconsider further lending.

    Market Monitor Consumer Durables Netherlands 2018

    Trhový prieskum

    • Holandsko
    • Tovary dlhodobej spotreby

    04 apr 2018

    The number of brick-and-mortar stores has significantly decreased - despite the fact that high street also benefits from the current sales increase.

    EU to speed up completion of free trade agreements

    Ekonomický výskum

    • Argentína,
    • Belgicko,
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    28 mar 2018

    The growing insecurity over US trade policy pushes the European Union and trading partners to speed up the completion of free trade agreement negotiations

    Trump tariffs threaten trade

    Ekonomický výskum

    • Austrália,
    • Kanada,
    • Všeobecný hospodársky

    22 mar 2018

    By raising tariffs on steel and aluminium the US president has proudly delivered on a campaign promise. US steel and aluminium producers gain, but it comes at the expense of US metal consuming firms.

    APAC Country Report China 2018

    Report krajiny

    • Čína
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    13 mar 2018

    Business insolvencies in China are expected to increase further this year in 2018, as companies face tighter credit conditions and the economic rebalancing process is on-going.

    APAC Country Report India 2018

    Report krajiny

    • India
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    13 mar 2018

    The economic growth outlook for 2018 remains robust, but a rather weak banking sector and high foreign indebtedness of domestic firms remain concerns.

    APAC Country Report Indonesia 2018

    Report krajiny

    • Indonézia
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    13 mar 2018

    The economic outlook remains positive with expected GDP growth rates of more than 5% in 2017 and 2018, and vulnerability to external shocks has declined.

    APAC Country Report Japan 2018

    Report krajiny

    • Japonsko
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    13 mar 2018

    Growth has picked up again in 2017, and the positive trend is expected to continue in 2018, with both domestic demand and exports set to grow further.

    APAC Country Report Malaysia 2018

    Report krajiny

    • Malajzia
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    13 mar 2018

    The economy shows high growth rates of more than 5% p.a., but high household debt could become an issue should interest rates increase substantially.

    APAC Country Report The Philippines 2018

    Report krajiny

    • Filipíny
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    13 mar 2018

    GDP growth is expected to remain at above 6% in 2018, but controversial economic policies could hamper business sentiment and foreign investment.

    APAC Country Report Singapore 2018

    Report krajiny

    • Singapur
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    13 mar 2018

    In 2018 the economic performance will be impacted by weaker demand from China and lower domestic demand due to weaker residential construction activity.

    APAC Country Report South Korea 2018

    Report krajiny

    • Južná Kórea
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    13 mar 2018

    The high level of household debt remains a downside risk for the economy, together with a tougher competition from China in a range of industries.

    APAC Country Report Taiwan 2018

    Report krajiny

    • Taiwan
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    13 mar 2018

    Growing competition from mainland China in the electronics sector require productivity increases and a diversification of the economy in the long-term.

    APAC Country Report Thailand 2018

    Report krajiny

    • Thajsko
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    13 mar 2018

    The Thai economy is forecast to grow by 3.8% in 2018, supported by public investments in infrastructure, rising household consumption and exports.

    APAC Country Report Vietnam 2018

    Report krajiny

    • Vietnam
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    13 mar 2018

    High GDP growth of more than 6% in expected in 2018 driven by domestic demand and exports, but the economic fundamentals still show some weaknesses.

    Insolvency forecasts March 2018

    Ekonomický výskum

    • Austrália,
    • Rakúsko,
    • Všeobecný hospodársky

    06 mar 2018

    The global economy is in a sweet spot of broad-based economic growth and low interest rates, but we expect this to be bottoming out in 2018.

    Oil & gas exporters: debt continues to rise

    Ekonomický výskum

    • Kuvajt,
    • Saudská Arábia,
    • Všeobecný hospodársky

    27 feb 2018

    Despite higher prices, debt levels continue to rise in many energy exporters. Now is no time for complacency.

    Market Monitor Construction Belgium 2018

    Trhový prieskum

    • Belgicko
    • Stavebníctvo

    13 feb 2018

    Improvements in business performance and credit risk seen in 2017 and the stable outlook for 2018 have led to a performance rating upgrade to “Fair”.

    Market Monitor Construction France 2018

    Trhový prieskum

    • Francúzsko
    • Stavebníctvo

    13 feb 2018

    The sector still suffers from fierce competition with prices and profitability at a low level, while major players keep putting pressure on subcontractors.

    Market Monitor Construction Italy 2018

    Trhový prieskum

    • Taliansko
    • Stavebníctvo

    13 feb 2018

    Tight lending conditions set by banks still hamper sector performance, exacerbating the fact that many construction businesses remain highly geared.

    Market Monitor Construction UK 2018

    Trhový prieskum

    • Spojené Kráľovstvo
    • Stavebníctvo

    13 feb 2018

    Brexit will undoubtedly impact on the construction market in the coming years, as the industry is very susceptible to shifts in investor confidence.

    Market Monitor Construction Romania 2018

    Trhový prieskum

    • Rumunsko
    • Stavebníctvo

    13 feb 2018

    Banks remain rather cautious in providing loans to the industry due to the large number of insolvencies and generally volatile market demand situation.

    Market Monitor Construction USA 2018

    Trhový prieskum

    • USA
    • Stavebníctvo

    13 feb 2018

    Construction expansion is set to continue, underpinned by robust economic growth, with building businesses profit margins expected to remain stable.

    Market Monitor Construction Spain 2018

    Trhový prieskum

    • Španielsko
    • Stavebníctvo

    13 feb 2018

    The profit and loss accounts of businesses active in energy-intensive segments (e.g. cement) are negatively affected by elevated electricity and gas costs.

    Market Monitor Construction Australia 2018

    Trhový prieskum

    • Austrália
    • Stavebníctvo

    13 feb 2018

    While mining-related activity could decline further the prospects for growth in other parts of engineering and non-residential construction are improving.

    Market Monitor Construction Hungary 2018

    Trhový prieskum

    • Maďarsko
    • Stavebníctvo

    13 feb 2018

    Payments take 60-120 days on average and the payment behaviour has been rather bad over the past two years, with a high level of protracted payments.

    Market Monitor Construction Mexico 2018

    Trhový prieskum

    • Mexiko
    • Stavebníctvo

    13 feb 2018

    The outlook for 2018 remains subdued and the already low profit margins of many construction businesses are expected to deteriorate further in H1 of 2018.

    Market Monitor Construction Poland 2018

    Trhový prieskum

    • Poľsko
    • Stavebníctvo

    13 feb 2018

    While the market is still growing, increasing costs for construction materials and transport weigh on the performance of construction businesses.

    Market Monitor Construction Singapore 2018

    Trhový prieskum

    • Singapur
    • Stavebníctvo

    13 feb 2018

    Smaller contractors continue to suffer from tight cash flow and deteriorating margins due to a lack of projects and higher labour and rental costs.

    Market Monitor Construction Thailand 2018

    Trhový prieskum

    • Thajsko
    • Stavebníctvo

    13 feb 2018

    Construction is expected to have high growth rates over the next five years, mainly due to large infrastructure projects driven by the government.

    NAFTA Country Report Canada 2018

    Report krajiny

    • Kanada
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    16 jan 2018

    Canada's GDP growth is forecast to slow down to about 2% in 2018, due to a slowdown in private consumption and government spending.

    NAFTA Country Report Costa Rica 2018

    Report krajiny

    • Costa Rica
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    16 jan 2018

    Costa Rica’s GDP growth is expected to accelerate driven by private consumption, robust private, public and foreign investment, and further export growth.

    NAFTA Country Report Mexico 2018

    Report krajiny

    • Mexiko
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    16 jan 2018

    Mexico seems to be quite resilient in dealing with the uncertainty brought by the NAFTA renegotiations due to its strong economic fundamentals.

    NAFTA Country Report Panama 2018

    Report krajiny

    • Panama
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    16 jan 2018

    Panama´s economy is small, very open, highly diversified, fully dollarized and highly competitive by regional standards. However, challenges remain.

    NAFTA Country Report USA 2018

    Report krajiny

    • USA
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    16 jan 2018

    The US administration´s trade policy remains a downside risk, not just for trading partners, but also for the US economy itself.

    Promising Markets for 2018

    Ekonomický výskum

    • Kolumbia,
    • Costa Rica,
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    11 jan 2018

    The economic recovery in emerging market economies is expected to continue strengthening in 2018 and these markets could present opportunities for business.

    Market Monitor Food United Kingdom 2017

    Trhový prieskum

    • Spojené Kráľovstvo
    • Gastro

    12 dec 2017

    Due tot the inability to absorb higher input costs and increased pressure on margins, both payment delays and insolvencies have increased in 2017.

    Market Monitor Food Brazil 2017

    Trhový prieskum

    • Brazília
    • Gastro

    12 dec 2017

    The outlook for the Brazilian food sector is benign, due to an ongoing economic rebound and robust demand from China as largest food export market.

    Market Monitor Food France 2017

    Trhový prieskum

    • Francúzsko
    • Gastro

    12 dec 2017

    Commodity price increases have added pressure on many food manufacturers, stuck between farmers demanding higher prices and powerful retail chains.

    Market Monitor Food Netherlands 2017

    Trhový prieskum

    • Holandsko
    • Gastro

    12 dec 2017

    Average payment duration in the food sector is 40 days, and the amount of payment delays and insolvencies remains low compared to other Dutch industries.

    Market Monitor Food Germany 2017

    Trhový prieskum

    • Nemecko
    • Gastro

    12 dec 2017

    As food processors and retailers demand longer payment terms from their suppliers, a wave of longer payment terms is being created along the supply chain.

    Market Monitor Food Italy 2017

    Trhový prieskum

    • Taliansko
    • Gastro

    12 dec 2017

    The outlook for food exports remains positive, with further demand growth from overseas expected, due to the strong reputation of “Made in Italy” food.

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