
Global Economic Outlook - May 2018

Ekonomický výskum

  • Alžírsko,
  • Angola,
  • Všeobecný hospodársky

08 máj 2018


The global economic upswing continues to strengthen but US policy uncertainty and a potential trade war could quickly darken the bright skies.

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    Market Monitor - Chemicals - Belgium 2016

    Trhový prieskum

    • Belgicko
    • Chemikálie / Farmácia

    21 júl 2016

    The Belgian chemicals sector continues to grow, benefitting from structural resilience, but suffers from weakening competitiveness due to high labour costs.

    Market Monitor - Chemicals - Sweden 2016

    Trhový prieskum

    • Švédsko
    • Chemikálie / Farmácia

    21 júl 2016

    The industry continues to grow in 2016, but the slowdown in key markets like China and Brazil could have a negative impact on some key subsectors.

    Market Monitor - Chemicals - India 2016

    Trhový prieskum

    • India
    • Chemikálie / Farmácia

    21 júl 2016

    The outlook for the Indian chemicals industry is positive, but there are liquidity and solvency issues with businesses in the trade and wholesale segment.

    Market Monitor - Chemicals - Mexico 2016

    Trhový prieskum

    • Mexiko
    • Chemikálie / Farmácia

    21 júl 2016

    The sector is highly exposed to the price volatility of oil-derived commodities and foreign exchange fluctuations due the lack of refining capacities.

    Market Monitor - Chemicals - United States 2016

    Trhový prieskum

    • USA
    • Chemikálie / Farmácia

    21 júl 2016

    The US chemicals sector performs well, but the energy and fuel/oil subsector is in trouble, mainly affecting smaller and regional players in this segment.

    Market Monitor - Chemicals - Turkey 2016

    Trhový prieskum

    • Turecko
    • Chemikálie / Farmácia

    21 júl 2016

    The number of payment delays was high at the end of 2015, with financially weaker players leaving the market. Insolvencies are expected to level off.

    Market Monitor - Chemicals - Saudi Arabia 2016

    Trhový prieskum

    • Saudská Arábia
    • Chemikálie / Farmácia

    21 júl 2016

    Non-payments and business failures have increased, and are expected to rise further in the coming months. Many businesses suffer from decreasing margins.

    European Football Championship Industry playing fields

    Ekonomické novinky

    • Rakúsko,
    • Belgicko,
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    08 júl 2016

    The Industry Playing Fields provide a visual performance forecast for 14 different industries in countries paired together in the Euro 2016 tournament.

    MENA Country Report - Algeria 2016

    Report krajiny

    • Alžírsko
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    08 júl 2016

    Lower GDP growth of 2.5% in 2016 and government budget hit by lower oil price. Public spending is curbed in order to trim the high budget deficit.

    MENA Country Report - Egypt 2016

    Report krajiny

    • Egypt
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    08 júl 2016

    Weak economic situation and uncertain outlook as the security situation remains tense. Inflation is high and the business sentiment remains subdued.

    MENA Country Report - Jordan 2016

    Report krajiny

    • Jordán
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    08 júl 2016

    A modest economic rebound expected in 2016, but fiscal consolidation remains difficult. Jordan remains heavily dependent on foreign donors support.

    MENA Country Report - Morocco 2016

    Report krajiny

    • Maroko
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    08 júl 2016

    In 2016 economic growth will decrease to 3% due to less agriculture output and decreasing exports. In 2017 GDP is expected to rebound again, growing 4.5%.

    MENA Country report - Saudi Arabia 2016

    Report krajiny

    • Saudská Arábia
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    08 júl 2016

    The economy still has room to absorb the oil price slump, but a long-term period of low oil prices would hurt. Economic diversification is on the agenda.

    MENA Country Report - Tunisia 2016

    Report krajiny

    • Tunisko
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    08 júl 2016

    A moderate economic rebound is expected in 2016 and 2017, given that the domestic security situation will not again hurt tourism and business sentiment.

    MENA Country report - UAE 2016

    Report krajiny

    • Spojené Arabské Emiráty
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    08 júl 2016

    As the oil price decrease has a negative impact on government revenues and lending conditions, many businesses face liquidity issues and payment delays.

    Industry match-ups Germany vs France

    Ekonomické novinky

    • Francúzsko,
    • Nemecko
    • Chemikálie / Farmácia

    04 júl 2016

    The chemicals sectors in both Germany and France are scoring well and show robust performance. Still, some challenges lie ahead for both countries.

    Industry match-ups Germany vs Italy

    Ekonomické novinky

    • Nemecko,
    • Taliansko
    • Tovary dlhodobej spotreby

    28 jún 2016

    German non-food retailers struggle to cope with the fast growing market leaders, while the rebound for their Italian peers remains modest.

    Industry match-ups Wales vs Belgium

    Ekonomické novinky

    • Belgicko,
    • Spojené Kráľovstvo
    • Stavebníctvo

    27 jún 2016

    Payment delays remain a major issue in the British construction industry, while in Belgium the payment behaviour of the public sector remains bad.

    Brexit effect on European insolvencies

    Ekonomický výskum

    • Rakúsko,
    • Belgicko,
    • Všeobecný hospodársky

    24 jún 2016

    Atradius identifies the most vulnerable countries and sectors in Europe to Brexit. The impact will be most acute in Ireland, Netherlands, and Belgium.

    Industry match-ups Italy vs Spain

    Ekonomické novinky

    • Taliansko,
    • Španielsko
    • Stavebníctvo

    24 jún 2016

    Despite a rebound in both the Italian and Spanish construction sectors payment duration is still long and insolvencies levels remain elevated.

    Industry match-ups Slovakia vs England

    Ekonomické novinky

    • Slovensko,
    • Spojené Kráľovstvo
    • Chemikálie / Farmácia

    20 jún 2016

    In the UK chemicals sector there are high barriers to get into a successful team, while the industry shows a solid performance in Slovakia.

    Industry match-ups Northern Ireland vs Germany

    Ekonomické novinky

    • Nemecko,
    • Spojené Kráľovstvo
    • Gastro

    20 jún 2016

    In both countries there are star players within the sector, while some segments are weaker, e.g. in German beverage subsector profit margins decrease.

    Industry match-ups Czech Republic vs Turkey

    Ekonomické novinky

    • Česká republika,
    • Turecko
    • Stroje / strojárstvo

    20 jún 2016

    The ball keeps on rolling for machinery in both countries, but difficulties have increased. The level of protracted payments is high in both markets.

    Industry match-ups Italy vs Ireland

    Ekonomické novinky

    • Írsko,
    • Taliansko
    • Chemikálie / Farmácia

    20 jún 2016

    Italy´s chemicals sector is finally scoring at home due to a modest economic rebound, while Ireland has all top pharmaceuticals players in the team.

    Market Monitor - ICT industry - China

    Trhový prieskum

    • Čína
    • Elektronika / ICT

    16 jún 2016

    Despite still robust growth rate of the ICT market in China, challenges are increasing. Competition is getting fiercer, and labour costs are increasing.

    Market Monitor - ICT industry - United States

    Trhový prieskum

    • USA
    • Elektronika / ICT

    16 jún 2016

    The ICT market in the United States is expected to benefit further from stable economic growth. No further decrease in insolvencies expected in 2016.

    Industry match-ups Switzerland vs France

    Ekonomické novinky

    • Francúzsko,
    • Švajčiarsko
    • Chemikálie / Farmácia

    16 jún 2016

    The pharmaceuticals sector performs very well in both countries. However, the French pharmacy segment faces some troubles due to decreasing margins.

    Market Monitor - ICT industry - Germany

    Trhový prieskum

    • Nemecko
    • Elektronika / ICT

    16 jún 2016

    Unless they are well-established in niche products, smaller companies in Germany are expected to continue to be the losers in a cut-throat environment.

    Market Monitor - ICT industry - Italy

    Trhový prieskum

    • Taliansko
    • Elektronika / ICT

    16 jún 2016

    The IT spending capacity of SMEs in Italy remains subdued. This may be a consequence of still restricted access to bank loans for smaller businesses.

    Market Monitor - ICT industry - United Kingdom

    Trhový prieskum

    • Spojené Kráľovstvo
    • Elektronika / ICT

    16 jún 2016

    In the UK, many IT resellers continue to lessen their reliance on hardware sales by offering value added services in order to increase their margins.

    Market Monitor - ICT industry - Australia

    Trhový prieskum

    • Austrália
    • Elektronika / ICT

    16 jún 2016

    The Australian government is driving growth in the IT market through its purchase programme and various initiatives, such as a Cyber Security Strategy.

    Market Monitor - ICT industry - Japan

    Trhový prieskum

    • Japonsko
    • Elektronika / ICT

    16 jún 2016

    In 2016, growth in the Japanese ICT sector is expected to be modest at 0.9%, due to market saturation and a low economic growth forecast of 0.6%.

    Market Monitor - ICT industry - The Netherlands

    Trhový prieskum

    • Holandsko
    • Elektronika / ICT

    16 jún 2016

    The industry is characterised by sharp price erosion and fierce competition, especially in the wholesalers segment. Market concentration is still on-going.

    Market Monitor - ICT industry - Russia

    Trhový prieskum

    • Rusko
    • Elektronika / ICT

    16 jún 2016

    Currently all Russian electronics / ICT subsectors face major troubles, especially those retailers and wholesalers that trade in foreign currency.

    Industry match-ups France vs Romania

    Ekonomické novinky

    • Francúzsko,
    • Rumunsko
    • Stavebníctvo

    06 jún 2016

    Still a red card: many payment delays, and construction insolvencies in both France and Romania are expected to remain on a very high level in 2016.

    Industry match-ups Wales vs Slovakia

    Ekonomické novinky

    • Slovensko,
    • Spojené Kráľovstvo
    • Automotive / Doprava

    06 jún 2016

    A draw in sector comparison, as both the Slovakian and the UK automotive industry show a robust performance. Payment behaviour is generally good.

    Industry match-ups Belgium vs Ireland

    Ekonomické novinky

    • Belgicko,
    • Írsko
    • Gastro

    06 jún 2016

    In both countries the food industry is scoring abroad, as exports have emerged as the main driving force of sales. However, some subsectors face problems.

    Industry match-ups England vs Russia

    Ekonomické novinky

    • Rusko,
    • Spojené Kráľovstvo
    • Elektronika / ICT

    06 jún 2016

    An uneven match, given that the British ICT industry is doing rather well, while the Russian ICT sector is caught in a downturn, with many insolvencies.

    Industry match-ups Spain vs Czech Republic

    Ekonomické novinky

    • Česká republika,
    • Španielsko
    • Chemikálie / Farmácia

    06 jún 2016

    The Spanish chemicals sector shows a strong team performance, while competition is high for Czech chemicals businesses. Producers prices have decreased.

    Industry match-ups Spain vs Turkey

    Ekonomické novinky

    • Španielsko,
    • Turecko
    • Automotive / Doprava

    06 jún 2016

    Spain remains a heavyweight in the automotive playing field, while the sector faces troubles in Turkey as domestic demand is expected to decrease further.

    Industry match-ups Germany vs Poland

    Ekonomické novinky

    • Nemecko,
    • Poľsko
    • Stavebníctvo

    06 jún 2016

    In Germany, poor payment behaviour of public buyers is an issue, while in Poland protracted payments are high. Overdue payments up to 30 days are common.

    Industry match-ups Belgium vs Italy

    Ekonomické novinky

    • Belgicko,
    • Taliansko
    • Stroje / strojárstvo

    06 jún 2016

    The Belgian machines sector faces some troubles in the construction-related segment. Italian machinery scores abroad, but not yet in the domestic market.

    Industry match-ups Austria vs Hungary

    Ekonomické novinky

    • Rakúsko,
    • Maďarsko
    • Gastro

    06 jún 2016

    In both countries the food sector is scoring abroad, as exports emerged as the main driving force of sales. But some segments face fierce competition.

    European Football Championship Industry match-ups

    Ekonomické novinky

    • Rakúsko,
    • Belgicko,
    • Automotive / Doprava,
    • Chemikálie / Farmácia,

    06 jún 2016

    The Industry match-up reports analyse the risk situation/outlook in one industry for countries which are paired together in the Euro 2016 tournament.

    Global Economic Outlook - May 2016

    Ekonomický výskum

    • Alžírsko,
    • Angola,
    • Všeobecný hospodársky

    31 máj 2016

    The turbulent waters that the global economy faced at the beginning of the year have calmed but the underlying issues persist.

    Payment Practices Barometer Eastern Europe 2016

    Barometer platobnej morálky

    • Česká republika,
    • Maďarsko,
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    19 máj 2016

    The economy in Eastern Europe is forecast to continue growing 1.1% this year. However, trade credit risk from foreign late payment is on the rise.

    Payment Practices Barometer Czech Republic 2016

    Barometer platobnej morálky

    • Česká republika
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    19 máj 2016

    Respondents in the Czech Republic (46.5%) seem to be most convinced that domestic B2B customers use outstanding invoices for their financial advantage.

    Payment Practices Barometer Hungary 2016

    Barometer platobnej morálky

    • Maďarsko
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    19 máj 2016

    Hungarian respondents (76%) seem to be the hardest hit by late payment of domestic invoices due to customers’ insufficient funds (64% in Eastern Europe).

    Payment Practices Barometer Poland 2016

    Barometer platobnej morálky

    • Poľsko
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    19 máj 2016

    More respondents in Poland (around 30%) than in Eastern Europe (around 20%) are concerned about a worsening of the DSO figure over the next 12 months.

    Barometer platobnej morálky na Slovensku 2016

    Barometer platobnej morálky

    • Slovensko
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    19 máj 2016

    30% respondentov na Slovensku zvažuje udržiavanie adekvátneho peňažného toku ako najväčšiu výzvu ziskovosti podnikania v tomto roku (respondenti vo východnej Európe: 18%).

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