
Global Economic Outlook - May 2018

Ekonomický výskum

  • Alžírsko,
  • Angola,
  • Všeobecný hospodársky

08 máj 2018


The global economic upswing continues to strengthen but US policy uncertainty and a potential trade war could quickly darken the bright skies.

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Atradius pravidelne organizuje webináre o aktuálnej ekonomickej situácii na rôznych trhoch, ktoré sú nápomocné na zvyšovanie nášho povedomia na nových trhoch.

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    Country Report Australia 2016

    Report krajiny

    • Austrália
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    28 jan 2016

    Business insolvencies expected to increase 6% in 2016 as the slump in the mining sector continues.

    Country Report China 2016

    Report krajiny

    • Čína
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    28 jan 2016

    Economic growth forecast to slow down to 6.3% in 2016, but no hard landing expected for the time being.

    Country Report India

    Report krajiny

    • India
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    28 jan 2016

    Robust growth, but high levels of corporate debt. The pace of structural reforms remains too slow.

    Country Report Indonesia

    Report krajiny

    • Indonézia
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    28 jan 2016

    External indebtedness poses a risk to Indonesian businesses, and economic growth is slowing down further.

    Country Report Japan

    Report krajiny

    • Japonsko
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    28 jan 2016

    Slow pace of economic recovery, with GDP expected to grow 1% in 2016, and inflation remaining stubbornly low.

    Country Report The Philippines

    Report krajiny

    • Filipíny
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    28 jan 2016

    GDP expected to grow above 5% in 2016 due to robust private consumption, but the business environment remains difficult.

    Country Report Singapore

    Report krajiny

    • Singapur
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    28 jan 2016

    Economic performance impacted by slower growth in China and Southeast Asia.

    Country Report South Korea

    Report krajiny

    • Južná Kórea
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    28 jan 2016

    High household indebtedness weighs on private consumption, and exports are affected by the slowdown in China.

    Country Report Taiwan

    Report krajiny

    • Taiwan
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    28 jan 2016

    Productivity increases and economic diversification are the main long-term challenges.

    Country Report Thailand

    Report krajiny

    • Thajsko
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    28 jan 2016

    GDP growth in 2016 (up 2.5%) still below the country´s growth potential, and political uncertainty remains an issue.

    Country Report Vietnam

    Report krajiny

    • Vietnam
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    28 jan 2016

    Stable growth (up 6.4% in 2016) and inflation back under control, but the economic fundamentals still show some weaknesses.

    Top eight most promising markets of 2016

    Ekonomický výskum

    • Bangladéš,
    • Kolumbia,
    • Všeobecný hospodársky

    20 jan 2016

    Atradius picks the top 8 markets for business opportunities in 2016. These emerging markets have been showing strong performances over the past three years and are expected to improve further in 2016.

    US interest rate rise: emerging markets at risk

    Ekonomický výskum

    • Brazília,
    • Čile,
    • Všeobecný hospodársky

    14 dec 2015

    The first increase in US interest rates in almost 10 years may lead to trouble in emerging markets.

    Market Monitor - Focus on the food industry - Belgium

    Trhový prieskum

    • Belgicko
    • Gastro

    10 dec 2015

    Food exports grew 2.1% in 2014 and are expected to increase further in 2015.

    Market Monitor - Focus on the food industry - France

    Trhový prieskum

    • Francúzsko
    • Gastro

    10 dec 2015

    The French food industry has benefited from falling raw material prices and a weaker euro, which helped boost competitiveness abroad.

    Market Monitor - Focus on the food industry - Netherlands

    Trhový prieskum

    • Holandsko
    • Gastro

    10 dec 2015

    Due to the weaker exchange rate and increased demand from overseas markets, Dutch food exports increased in 2015 and are expected to rise further in 2016.

    Market Monitor - Focus on the food industry - Italy

    Trhový prieskum

    • Taliansko
    • Gastro

    10 dec 2015

    Italian profit margins have decreased in 2015 but are expected to remain stable in 2016.

    Market Monitor - Focus on the food industry - Poland

    Trhový prieskum

    • Poľsko
    • Gastro

    10 dec 2015

    In 2015, Polish food exports are expected to reach a historical peak.

    Market Monitor - Focus on the food industry - Hungary

    Trhový prieskum

    • Maďarsko
    • Gastro

    10 dec 2015

    Profitability of food producers has increased in 2014 and is expected to remain stable in 2015.

    Market Monitor - Focus on the food industry - Ireland

    Trhový prieskum

    • Írsko
    • Gastro

    10 dec 2015

    The Irish food sector has benefited from the weaker euro, the rebound of the Irish economy and growing consumer confidence.

    Market Monitor - Focus on the food industry - Russia

    Trhový prieskum

    • Rusko
    • Gastro

    10 dec 2015

    Prices for food have grown and local production has increased in order to subsitute lacking imports.

    Market Monitor - Focus on the food industry - Spain

    Trhový prieskum

    • Španielsko
    • Gastro

    10 dec 2015

    The average payment duration in the Spanish food industry is 70 days.

    Market Monitor - Focus on the food industry - United Kingdom

    Trhový prieskum

    • Spojené Kráľovstvo
    • Gastro

    10 dec 2015

    Food business insolvencies are expected to increase by about 15% in 2015.

    Market Monitor - Focus on the food industry - United States

    Trhový prieskum

    • USA
    • Gastro

    10 dec 2015

    Profit margins of food businesses in the United States are expected to remain stable in 2016.

    Natural gas prices fall across the world

    Ekonomický výskum

    • Austrália,
    • Rakúsko,
    • Všeobecný hospodársky

    09 dec 2015

    Natural gas prices have fallen significantly in Asia and Europe on the back of the sliding oil price. As more LNG comes on the market regional prices are set to remain low.

    NAFTA Country Report - USA

    Report krajiny

    • USA
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    16 nov 2015

    Robust growth rates persist, but lower exports hurt the manufacturing sector.

    NAFTA Country Report - Mexico

    Report krajiny

    • Mexiko
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    16 nov 2015

    Crucial reforms have been passed, but their proper implementation remains to be seen.

    NAFTA Country Report - Canada

    Report krajiny

    • Kanada
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    16 nov 2015

    Growth is expected to slow down, while business insolvencies to increase in 2015 and 2016.

    Payment Practices Barometer Asia Pacific 2015

    Barometer platobnej morálky

    • Austrália,
    • Čína,
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    21 okt 2015

    Atradius survey shows an uptick in late payment of B2B invoices in China, which can have a knock-on effect on the liquidity of some businesses in several countries in Asia Pacific.

    Payment Practices Barometer Australia 2015

    Barometer platobnej morálky

    • Austrália
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    21 okt 2015

    Nearly half of the respondents in Australia said that the risk of payment delay and default from B2B buyers has increased over the past six months. One in five respondents rated it as “significant”.

    Payment Practices Barometer China 2015

    Barometer platobnej morálky

    • Čína
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    21 okt 2015

    62.0% of the businesses surveyed in China (compared to 46.3% in Asia Pacific) reported that domestic B2B customers have slowed invoice payment due to liquidity problems over the past year.

    Payment Practices Barometer Hong Kong 2015

    Barometer platobnej morálky

    • Hongkong
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    21 okt 2015

    92.1% of respondents in Hong Kong (compared to 90.2% of respondents in Asia Pacific) reported having experienced invoice late payment from their B2B customers over the past year.

    Payment Practices Barometer India 2015

    Barometer platobnej morálky

    • India
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    21 okt 2015

    38.8% of respondents in India (29.6% in Asia Pacific) said domestic B2B customers pay invoices late intentionally, to use trade credit as a way of alternatively financing their business operations.

    Payment Practices Barometer Indonesia 2015

    Barometer platobnej morálky

    • Indonézia
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    21 okt 2015

    30% of survey respondents in Indonesia reported that payment on domestic B2B invoices is received late due to the formal insolvency of the buyer (respondents in Asia Pacific: 21.4%).

    Payment Practices Barometer Japan 2015

    Barometer platobnej morálky

    • Japonsko
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    21 okt 2015

    Most of the survey respondents in Japan (32.5%, notably above the 23% in Asia Pacific) consider cost containment to be the biggest challenge to business profitability this year.

    Payment Practices Barometer Singapore 2015

    Barometer platobnej morálky

    • Singapur
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    21 okt 2015

    21.5% respondents in Singapore versus 17.4% in Asia Pacific consider a likely drop in demand for their products and services as the biggest challenge to business profitability in 2015.

    Payment Practices Barometer Taiwan 2015

    Barometer platobnej morálky

    • Taiwan
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    21 okt 2015

    32.5% of respondents in Taiwan compared to 25.8% in Asia Pacific said that domestic B2B customers pay invoices late most often due to disputes over the quality of goods delivered or services provided.

    The slowdown in world trade: temporary or permanent?

    Ekonomické novinky

    • Austrália,
    • Rakúsko,
    • Všeobecný hospodársky

    21 okt 2015

    Global trade growth has slowed significantly in recent years. For 2015, Atradius predicts just 1% international trade growth. This implies a difficult environment for exporters.

    Trade safely with Russia

    Obchodujte úspešne s

    • Rusko
    • Poľnohospodárstvo,
    • Automotive / Doprava,

    08 okt 2015

    Russia remains an important market in the global economy. The ten principles of the report are meant to help businesses mitigate risks when exporting to Russia.

    Market Monitor -Focus on automotive performance- Brazil

    Trhový prieskum

    • Brazília
    • Automotive / Doprava

    01 okt 2015

    Due to Brazil’s economic slump and problems along the whole domestic automotive value chain we expect both payment delays and defaults to continue to worsen markedly in the coming months.

    Market Monitor- Focus on automotive performance - China

    Trhový prieskum

    • Čína
    • Automotive / Doprava

    01 okt 2015

    Despite the current slowdown the Chinese car market still provides robust growth potential.

    Market Monitor- Focus on automotive performance -France

    Trhový prieskum

    • Francúzsko
    • Automotive / Doprava

    01 okt 2015

    After subsequent years of production decreases French subcontractors and suppliers have benefited from the rebound of the French and the European automotive sector.

    Market Monitor- Focus on automotive performance - Spain

    Trhový prieskum

    • Španielsko
    • Automotive / Doprava

    01 okt 2015

    Like other Spanish industries, the automotive sector was hard hit by the economic crisis, as lower domestic consumption and difficulty accessing financing led to a slump in the car market.

    Market Monitor - Focus on automotive performance - UK

    Trhový prieskum

    • Spojené Kráľovstvo
    • Automotive / Doprava

    01 okt 2015

    A major strength of the British car manufacturing industry is its diversity, with a mix of volume, premium and specialist producers.

    Market Monitor-Focus on automotive performance-Germany

    Trhový prieskum

    • Nemecko
    • Automotive / Doprava

    01 okt 2015

    In the period January 2015 - August 2015 domestic car production and exports both grew 2%, while new car registrations in Germany rose 6%.

    Market Monitor - Focus on automotive performance -Italy

    Trhový prieskum

    • Taliansko
    • Automotive / Doprava

    01 okt 2015

    Thanks to the strong recovery seen since H2 of 2014 many of Italy’s car suppliers have registered increasing profit margins and an improvement of their financial strength.

    Market Monitor- Focus on automotive performance - Japan

    Trhový prieskum

    • Japonsko
    • Automotive / Doprava

    01 okt 2015

    Japanese automotive businesses´profit margins have generally improved, mainly due to higher sales in North America.

    Market Monitor-Focus on automotive performance-Slovakia

    Trhový prieskum

    • Slovensko
    • Automotive / Doprava

    01 okt 2015

    In Slovakia, payment behaviour is generally good with a low number of non-payment notificiations, and this is expected to remain unchanged in the coming months.

    Market Monitor- Focus on automotive performance -Sweden

    Trhový prieskum

    • Švédsko
    • Automotive / Doprava

    01 okt 2015

    Payment behaviour in the Swedish automotive sector is quite stable, and insolvencies are not expected to increase in the coming months.

    Market Monitor-Focus on automotive performance-Thailand

    Trhový prieskum

    • Thajsko
    • Automotive / Doprava

    01 okt 2015

    Thailand´s automotive sectors is characterised by high entry barriers as the players in the market are large multinationals with strong financials and good know-how.

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    Každá publikácia, ktorá je k dispozícii na našej webovej stránke, ako aj správa, článok, obchodné informácie, tipy a užitočný obsah, infografiky, videá (každý z nich je k dispozícii v časti "Publikácie") sa poskytuje len na informačné účely a nie je určená ako odporúčanie alebo obchodné poradenstvo pre akéhokoľvek čitateľa pre jeho konkrétne finančné transakcie, investície alebo stratégie. Čitatelia si musia urobiť vlastné nezávislé rozhodnutia, či už obchodné alebo iné, týkajúce sa poskytnutých informácií. Hoci sme vynaložili maximálne úsilie, aby sme zabezpečili, že informácie obsiahnuté v ktorejkoľvek z našich publikácií boli získané zo spoľahlivých zdrojov, spoločnosť Atradius nenesie zodpovednosť za akékoľvek chyby alebo opomenutia, ani za výsledky alebo závery, ku ktorým sa dospelo použitím takýchto informácií. Všetky informácie obsiahnuté v ktorejkoľvek z našich publikácií sa poskytujú "tak, ako sú", t. j. bez záruky ich celistvosti, úplnosti, presnosti, aktuálnosti alebo záruky dosiahnutia požadovaných výsledkov, ktoré čitateľ zamýšľa dosiahnuť ich použitím, a rovnako bez akejkoľvek inej záruky, či už výslovnej alebo implicitnej. Spoločnosť Atradius, jej pridružené spoločnosti alebo korporácie, ani ich partneri, zástupcovia alebo zamestnanci v žiadnom prípade nenesú zodpovednosť voči čitateľom alebo komukoľvek inému za akékoľvek rozhodnutie alebo konanie prijaté alebo uskutočnené na základe informácií získaných z týchto publikácií, ani za akékoľvek iné následné, osobitné alebo iné podobné škody alebo ujmy, a to ani v prípade, že boli na možnosť takýchto následných škôd vopred upozornení..