Credit Insurance

With Atradius Credit Insurance you can trade with confidence and explore new markets or products, knowing that your business is protected against credit risk such as the insolvency of your customers.

Our trade credit insurance helps protect you from losses that may be caused by the failure of a customer to pay an invoice through insolvency, or their refusal or inability to pay under the terms of a contract.





Life Ring




By assuring your cashflow with credit insurance, you may enjoy a range of benefits including:

  • increased access to finance, as we can provide your bank with the reassurances they need when extending finance to you
  • gaining a competitive advantage in your market through identifying opportunities as well as risks
  • a reduction in your bad debt provision and, in turn, a healthier balance sheet
  • the confidence to seek out new markets and customers and benefit from the growth this may bring

One credit insurance policy, personalised options   

Atradius helped us to grow our business step by step. We have provided a better service, been able to increase activity with old customers, and start business with new ones.

Credit Manager
Large Agriculture Company

To keep things simple, we operate just one policy – Modula. Within this are a range of modules to suit your needs. Acting as ‘building blocks’ of cover, this allows us to create a detailed and bespoke policy for you, to reflect your individual trade exposures.

This can be particularly useful when operating several policies to cover your different customers or markets.

Modula allows for varying levels of risk and need between customers to be clearly identified and differentiated. Providing a single policy promotes standardisation and clarity, while the individual modules allow for a custom fit and a policy suited to each individual need.

Further benefits of our Modula system include:

  • Consistency across markets and languages – our multilingual underwriters and legal team ensure your policy is clear and promotes the same meaning in all languages
  • Transparency – your policy will only contain conditions that are relevant to you and will not be confused with jargon or conditions that need not apply
  • Easy online administration – you can manage your policy directly through our online system - Atradius Atrium - to quickly establish credit lines, notify us of claims, track progress and implement changes

Enjoy peace of mind with Atradius Collections – commercial debt collection is part of the policy

In addition to covering up to a maximum of 95% of bad debts, our debt collections service is an integral part of your policy. This means that, for no additional cost, we will help you settle outstanding invoices through our network of collections specialists throughout the world.

We work closely with you in negotiation with your customers in their language. We promote ongoing relationships with them where possible while recovering your debt.


Local expertise in local markets

Find out more about how we can support your Credit Insurance requirements in your local market.


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Každá publikácia, ktorá je k dispozícii na našej webovej stránke, ako aj správa, článok, obchodné informácie, tipy a užitočný obsah, infografiky, videá (každý z nich je k dispozícii v časti "Publikácie") sa poskytuje len na informačné účely a nie je určená ako odporúčanie alebo obchodné poradenstvo pre akéhokoľvek čitateľa pre jeho konkrétne finančné transakcie, investície alebo stratégie. Čitatelia si musia urobiť vlastné nezávislé rozhodnutia, či už obchodné alebo iné, týkajúce sa poskytnutých informácií. Hoci sme vynaložili maximálne úsilie, aby sme zabezpečili, že informácie obsiahnuté v ktorejkoľvek z našich publikácií boli získané zo spoľahlivých zdrojov, spoločnosť Atradius nenesie zodpovednosť za akékoľvek chyby alebo opomenutia, ani za výsledky alebo závery, ku ktorým sa dospelo použitím takýchto informácií. Všetky informácie obsiahnuté v ktorejkoľvek z našich publikácií sa poskytujú "tak, ako sú", t. j. bez záruky ich celistvosti, úplnosti, presnosti, aktuálnosti alebo záruky dosiahnutia požadovaných výsledkov, ktoré čitateľ zamýšľa dosiahnuť ich použitím, a rovnako bez akejkoľvek inej záruky, či už výslovnej alebo implicitnej. Spoločnosť Atradius, jej pridružené spoločnosti alebo korporácie, ani ich partneri, zástupcovia alebo zamestnanci v žiadnom prípade nenesú zodpovednosť voči čitateľom alebo komukoľvek inému za akékoľvek rozhodnutie alebo konanie prijaté alebo uskutočnené na základe informácií získaných z týchto publikácií, ani za akékoľvek iné následné, osobitné alebo iné podobné škody alebo ujmy, a to ani v prípade, že boli na možnosť takýchto následných škôd vopred upozornení..